patchwork symphony
“Music is the universal language of mankind.”
The Concept
It is no secret that music is one of the most prominent elements of a society’s culture. In addition to spoken language, music helps define a distinct audible signature for people around the world. It is a means for expressing our triumphs, our sorrows, our stories, and our love. Music lends itself to communicating messages that can’t necessarily be shared in other media. It is a vehicle that we humans use to help define our humanity and forge deep connections with each other. It is from reflection on these transformative properties that the effort to capture a snapshot of Alabama's music was born. Higher Ground Society is producing a collaborative, multi-genre, 12-track studio album featuring talent from across the state. The main goal of this project is to showcase Alabama’s rich musicality while simultaneously highlighting the unsung stewards of this unique heritage. We know the Hank Williams’s, Lionel Richie’s, and Brittany Howard’s who have boldly established a place for Alabama’s voice on the international music stage. This project will focus on the voices that keep the music alive within communities across the state be they found in local church choir lofts, open mic nights at dive bars and clubs, or in-home kitchens preparing family dinner.
The Process
Higher Ground Society began soliciting submissions of original music in the summer of 2018. Local Alabama artists are encouraged to submit an audio recording and lyrics (if applicable) of up to three original songs of any genre. It is not necessary for recorded submissions to be of professional caliber. They can be as informal as a memo recorded on a cellular phone. What we are looking for is raw talent in music making and songwriting, and a genuine expression of Alabama musical traditions. Gospel, blues, folk, choral, hip-hop, country, jazz—it’s all a part of the Alabama sound.
Lyrical songs with messages of love, unity, or some other social commentary are strongly desired, but not mandatory. We also encourage songs that share personal or historical narratives in order to really capture the story of Alabama’s people and the heritage of the state. Instrumental and classical compositions are also welcome.
To ensure the authenticity of the overall project, songs that are submitted for consideration should be completely original to the person or group submitting, that is to say the song cannot have been submitted or used for any other project except, perhaps, an artist’s own self-produced project.
Submissions for the final artist slots were reviewed in Summer 2022 with successful artists being notified in July. Soon thereafter recording of the artists began. Once the project is complete we look forward to compensating the artists for their contribution to the album, a feat made possible by funds received from the Alabama State Council on the Arts. artists will be compensated for their contribution to the album. Visit the patchwork symphony artist page below to see who will be featured on the album.
The spirit of this project is to provide access to the music recording process for those Alabamians with little to no resources for professional musical production. The final product will be an album in digital format that genuinely shows off the range of musical talent and skill that thrives in Alabama. Revenue made from album streams and sales will go back into creating subsequent volumes of the patchwork symphony project. Once an artist has participated in the project, they are vested as patchwork symphony alumni and Higher Ground Society vows to continue investing in their career through bookings for performances, appearances, and other projects.